Thursday, August 1, 2013

The truth about the best PTC....

Dedicated to my cats!
First payout received from*



 More than one way...

Many ways to advertise and earn Here for free:

Marketing,promotion, earning...

This website must be the best and i think it...
Sell back credits and more!
For now I can say:
The oldest and the Best!!
Safer, how little estyou earn you touch
Your account is not deleted for inactivity  at every opportunity as it happened  me with clixense...
The evidence they exist and work very well when hundreds of others have disappeared ... and which are scams ...

 very low payout easy to reach  or  no minimum

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Paying Website!
All in one:Ptc, Ptr, Ptp, Manual surf...
King of Ptc...

Keep quiet by joining this family of sites:

Very low payout, easy to reach or no minimum  payout!

The reference in the business of PTC, PTR and PTP

For those who want to share information and advice on tips, simple ways, the best opportunities to win, to succeed ... here are my two Facebook pages dedicated to this ...

here :ovoid scams

The easiest way or  the easiest opportunity to earn some money is called: PTC_PTR_PTP

paid to read emails  =PTR
paid to click on links and banners =PTC

paid to promote a link=PTP

 Avoid scams by watching this great blog publishing all about PTC ...Before  joining a website

Fortunately, there are other serious sites like PTC,PTR, PTP and Traffic Exhange ... I enrolled in several...

IT takes time to judge...


To sponsor and make more money from referrals...

For the traffic exchange, the best for me they are both ...


You  have human visits to your site ...

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Targeted prospects will swarm your site 24/7! Just 5 minutes to set-up, it's automated, "viral" and proven - and best of all it's FREE!

The best site on the net for *free* Website promotion!


No time to surf, try autosurf exchange...

 Easily have visits to your website or blog
Make known your website or blog, increase your audience ...

Long as I use these website I've never had any problems like viruses
These sites are ordered according to my preferences
The order in which these sites are provided serves as personal ranking

Auto surf, autohits sites taking, allowing, accepting Blogspot blogs...Surf automatique, autosurf acceptant blogspot blogs

Visit this page ...


Scam= google adsense

abusive disabling of my google adsense account

Arnaque= google adsense

désactivation abusive de mon compte google adsense

Arnaque =google adsense

désactivation abusive de mon compte google adsense

Scam= google adsense

abusive disabling of my google adsense account

arnaques, vol, abus, méfiance arnaques, gain d'argent, publicité, gratuit, régies publicitaires,

scams, theft, abuse, mistrust scams, money gain, advertising, free, advertising agencies

For revival of the senses, Charm,beauty .. eroticism before the lamentations

Autour des lèvres.... ou....Autour d'un mot...

 Nymphoplastie ou Labiaplastie

For revival of the senses, Charm,beauty .. eroticism before the lamentations

Round and beautiful ...

For the pleasure of eyes and senses ... a wink !

money and gifts


  Autour des lèvres.... ou....Autour d'un mot...

 Nymphoplastie ou Labiaplastie

Lipoplastie = Avoir des lèvres pulpeuses


Lèvres ourlées...pulpeuses

La lipoplastie a pour principe l'augmentation du volume de la lèvre supérieure, inférieure ou des deux à la fois....

  • Chez l'adulte jeune dont les lèvres, trop minces, durcissent les traits du visage.

  • Chez l'adulte plus âgé dont les lèvres, en vieillissant, se fripent et s'amincissent.

Nymphoplastie = Chirurgie réparatrice des petites lèvres...

Grandes petites lèvres! Petites lèvres géantes... Paradoxe!

Tout a commencé quand dans une émission télé on parlait de la chirurgie ésthétique...Il est dit que le seul repproche que je fais à cette branche de médecine est qu'elle n'est pas sociale ou populaire...elle réservée à certaines bourses...quand elle n'est pas remboursée... Donc je disais , il y a des temoignages de personnes surtout de victimes aux lèvres...vermoulues qui sont passées par des mains soit-disant chirurgiens ... Il y une telle offre que ce secteur est envahi par de faux médecins et qui ne chôment pas...

Mais ce qui attira mon attention cest quand on commençait à parler du remodelage des  organes génitaux...Avant et après l'opération

Nymphoplastie = Chirurgie réparatrice des petites lèvres...

 La chirurgie de réduction des petites lèvres du vagin (Labia minora) est assez rare, si rare qu'aucune organisation médicale n'a une position précise sur ce sujet. Mais certains chirurgiens Américains opèrent de plus en plus de femmes qui avouent: " je n'ai jamais su que ceci étais possible alors que cela m'a géné toute ma vie."
